Striver-Erklärung der Trie-Datenstruktur
class Node{ Node [] node = new Node[26]; boolean flag; public Node(){ } public boolean containsKey(char c){ return node[c-'a']!=null; } public void put(char c, Node n){ node[c-'a'] = n; } public Node get(char c){ return node[c-'a']; } public void setFlag() { this.flag = true; } public boolean getFlag(){ return this.flag; } } class Trie { Node root; public Trie() { root = new Node(); } //will take tc : O(len) of the word public void insert(String word) { Node node = root; for(int i =0;iVersuchen Sie die Datenstruktur II
Strivers Erklärung zum besseren Verständnis
import java.util.* ; import*; class Node { Node node[] = new Node[26]; int endWith = 0;// will keep track of no. of words ending with this word int countPrefix=0;// will keep track of no. of words starting with this word public Node(){ } public boolean containsKey(char c){ return node[c-'a']!=null; } public void put(char c, Node n){ node[c-'a'] = n; } public Node get(char c){ return node[c-'a']; } public void incrementCountPrefix() { this.countPrefix; } public void decrementCountPrefix(){ --this.countPrefix; } public void incrementEndWith(){ this.endWith; } public void deleteEndWith(){ --this.endWith; } public int getCountPrefix(){ return this.countPrefix; } public int getEndWith(){ return this.endWith; } } public class Trie { Node root; public Trie() { // Write your code here. root = new Node(); } public void insert(String word) { Node node = root; for(int i =0;iKomplette Zeichenfolge
// tc : O(n*l) import java.util.* ; import*; class Node{ Node[] node = new Node[26]; boolean flag; public Node(){} public void put(char c , Node n){ node[c-'a'] = n; } public boolean containsKey(char c){ return node[c-'a']!=null; } public Node get(char c){ return node[c-'a']; } public void setEnd(){ this.flag = true; } public boolean isEnd(){ return this.flag; } } class Trie{ Node root; public Trie(){ root = new Node(); } public boolean checkIfPrefixPresent(String s){ Node node = root; boolean flag= true; for(int i = 0;iZählen Sie eindeutige Teilzeichenfolgen
Tc: O(n^2) zum Einfügen verschiedener eindeutiger Teilzeichenfolgen in
Datenstruktur ausprobierenimport java.util.ArrayList; public class Solution { Node root; static int count; public Solution(){ root = new Node(); } public static int countDistinctSubstrings(String s) { count = 0; // Write your code here. Solution sol = new Solution(); for(int i =0;i
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