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Titelseite > Programmierung > How to Eliminate Unwanted \"Overscrolling\" in Chrome for Mac?

How to Eliminate Unwanted \"Overscrolling\" in Chrome for Mac?

Veröffentlicht am 08.11.2024

How to Eliminate Unwanted \

Overcoming "Overscrolling" in Web Pages

In Chrome for Mac, "overscrolling" is an undesirable effect that allows users to drag a page beyond its normal viewing area, as seen in the image provided. To address this issue and improve user experience, consider the following two methods:

Method 1: Restricting Overscrolling

If you want to entirely disable overscrolling, employ the following CSS code:

html {
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 100%;

body {
    height: 100%;
    overflow: auto;

The overflow: hidden property on the <html> element prevents any overflow content from becoming visible, effectively bounding the page within its viewport. The overflow: auto property on the <body> element allows natural scrolling within the page's designated height, but restricts overscrolling.

Method 2: Customizing Overscrolling Behavior

To customize and control overscrolling behavior, utilize the touch-action property:

body {
    -webkit-touch-callout: none;
    -webkit-touch-action: manipulation;

The code above prevents text selection while allowing general touch manipulation, including scrolling within the page's defined height. For more granular control, you can specify precise touch-action values, such as pan-x to allow only horizontal scrolling.

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