\\\"#; HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type(\\\"text/html\\\") .body(html)}async fn submit_form(form: web::Form, web_form: web::Data) -> impl Responder { let name = &form.txt_name; let background_color = &form.txt_backgroundcolor; let font_size = form.txt_fontsize; web_form.set_font_size(InputPlace::tag(\\\"form\\\"), font_size); web_form.set_background_color(InputPlace::tag(\\\"form\\\"), background_color.clone()); web_form.set_disabled(InputPlace::name(\\\"btn_SetBodyValue\\\"), true); web_form.add_tag(InputPlace::tag(\\\"form\\\"), \\\"h3\\\"); web_form.set_text(InputPlace::tag(\\\"h3\\\"), format!(\\\"Welcome {}!\\\", name)); HttpResponse::Ok().body(web_form.response())}#[actix_web::main]async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let web_form = WebForms::new(); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .app_data(web::Data::new(web_form.clone())) .wrap(Logger::default()) .route(\\\"/\\\", web::get().to(index)) .route(\\\"/submit\\\", web::post().to(submit_form)) }) .bind(\\\"\\\")? .run() .await}

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Ruby (Sinatra framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Ruby WebForms class link:

View file

require \\'sinatra\\'require_relative \\'WebForms\\'post \\'/\\' do  if params[\\'btn_SetBodyValue\\']    name = params[\\'txt_Name\\']    background_color = params[\\'txt_BackgroundColor\\']    font_size = params[\\'txt_FontSize\\'].to_i    form = WebForms.new    form.set_font_size(InputPlace.tag(\\'form\\'), font_size)    form.set_background_color(InputPlace.tag(\\'form\\'), background_color)    form.set_disabled(InputPlace.name(\\'btn_SetBodyValue\\'), true)    form.add_tag(InputPlace.tag(\\'form\\'), \\'h3\\')    form.set_text(InputPlace.tag(\\'h3\\'), \\\"Welcome #{name}!\\\")    return form.response  end  erb :formend__END__@@form  Using WebForms Core      

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Swift (Vapor framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Swift WebForms class link:

View file

import Vaporfunc routes(_ app: Application) throws {    app.post { req -> Response in        guard let data = try? req.content.decode(FormData.self) else {            throw Abort(.badRequest)        }        let name = data.txt_Name        let backgroundColor = data.txt_BackgroundColor        let fontSize = data.txt_FontSize        let form = WebForms()        form.setFontSize(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), fontSize)        form.setBackgroundColor(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), backgroundColor)        form.setDisabled(InputPlace.name(\\\"btn_SetBodyValue\\\"), true)        form.addTag(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), \\\"h3\\\")        form.setText(InputPlace.tag(\\\"h3\\\"), \\\"Welcome \\\\(name)!\\\")        return form.response()    }}struct FormData: Content {    var txt_Name: String    var txt_BackgroundColor: String    var txt_FontSize: Int}func renderForm() -> String {    return \\\"\\\"\\\"                  Using WebForms Core                      

\\\"\\\"\\\"}app.get { req in return Response(status: .ok, body: .init(string: renderForm()))}

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:


To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Go WebForms class link:

View file

package mainimport (    \\\"fmt\\\"    \\\"net/http\\\"    \\\"strconv\\\")func main() {    http.HandleFunc(\\\"/\\\", handleForm)    http.ListenAndServe(\\\":8080\\\", nil)}func handleForm(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {    if r.Method == http.MethodPost {        name := r.FormValue(\\\"txt_Name\\\")        backgroundColor := r.FormValue(\\\"txt_BackgroundColor\\\")        fontSize, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue(\\\"txt_FontSize\\\"))        if err != nil {            fontSize = 16        }        form := new(WebForms)        form.setFontSize(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), fontSize)        form.setBackgroundColor(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), backgroundColor)        form.setDisabled(InputPlace.name(\\\"btn_SetBodyValue\\\"), true)        form.addTag(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), \\\"h3\\\")        form.setText(InputPlace.tag(\\\"h3\\\"), \\\"Welcome \\\" name \\\"!\\\")        fmt.Fprint(w, form.response())        return    }    fmt.Fprint(w, `  Using WebForms Core      


In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

R (Shiny framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

R WebForms class link:

View file

library(shiny)ui <- fluidPage(    titlePanel(\\\"Using WebForms Core\\\"),    tags$head(        tags$script(src = \\\"/script/web-forms.js\\\")    ),    sidebarLayout(        sidebarPanel(            textInput(\\\"txt_Name\\\", \\\"Your Name\\\"),            numericInput(\\\"txt_FontSize\\\", \\\"Set Font Size\\\", value = 16, min = 10, max = 36),            textInput(\\\"txt_BackgroundColor\\\", \\\"Set Background Color\\\"),            actionButton(\\\"btn_SetBodyValue\\\", \\\"Click to send data\\\")        ),        mainPanel(            uiOutput(\\\"response\\\")        )    ))server <- function(input, output, session) {    observeEvent(input$btn_SetBodyValue, {        Name <- input$txt_Name        BackgroundColor <- input$txt_BackgroundColor        FontSize <- as.numeric(input$txt_FontSize)        form <- WebForms()        form$setFontSize(InputPlace$tag(\\\"form\\\"), FontSize)        form$setBackgroundColor(InputPlace$tag(\\\"form\\\"), BackgroundColor)        form$setDisabled(InputPlace$name(\\\"btn_SetBodyValue\\\"), TRUE)        form$addTag(InputPlace$tag(\\\"form\\\"), \\\"h3\\\")        form$setText(InputPlace$tag(\\\"h3\\\"), paste(\\\"Welcome\\\", Name, \\\"!\\\"))        output$response <- renderUI({            HTML(form$response())        })    })}shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Elixir (Phoenix framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Elixir WebForms class link:

View file

  Using WebForms Core    

Also, create a Controller class file as follows.

Controller class

defmodule MyAppWeb.FormController do  use MyAppWeb, :controller  alias MyApp.WebForms  def index(conn, _params) do    render(conn, \\\"index.html\\\")  end  def create(conn, %{\\\"txt_Name\\\" => name, \\\"txt_BackgroundColor\\\" => background_color, \\\"txt_FontSize\\\" => font_size}) do    font_size = String.to_integer(font_size)    form = %WebForms{}    form =      form      |> WebForms.set_font_size(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), font_size)      |> WebForms.set_background_color(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), background_color)      |> WebForms.set_disabled(InputPlace.name(\\\"btn_SetBodyValue\\\"), true)      |> WebForms.add_tag(InputPlace.tag(\\\"form\\\"), \\\"h3\\\")      |> WebForms.set_text(InputPlace.tag(\\\"h3\\\"), \\\"Welcome #{name}!\\\")    response = WebForms.response(form)    conn    |> put_flash(:info, response)    |> redirect(to: \\\"/\\\")  endend

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Please share your success or failure in implementing WebForms Core in the comments section.

"If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools." - Confucius, "The Analects of Confucius. Lu Linggong"

WebForms Core Technology in Rust, Ruby, Swift, GO, R, Elixir

Published on 2024-10-31

WebForms Core Technology in Rust, Ruby, Swift, GO, R, Elixir

This article is a continuation of the previous article. In the previous article, we explained the WebForms Core technology completely, please read the previous article completely before reading this article.

You can see the previous article in the link below:

Currently, WebForms Core technology is available in 6 programming languages ​​including Rust, Ruby, Swift, GO, R and Elixir.

Rust (Actix-web framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Rust WebForms class link:

View file

use actix_web::{web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};
use actix_web::middleware::Logger;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct FormData {
    txt_name: String,
    txt_backgroundcolor: String,
    txt_fontsize: i32,
    btn_setbodyvalue: Option,

async fn index() -> HttpResponse {
    let html = r#"
      Using WebForms Core

"#; HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/html") .body(html) } async fn submit_form(form: web::Form, web_form: web::Data) -> impl Responder { let name = &form.txt_name; let background_color = &form.txt_backgroundcolor; let font_size = form.txt_fontsize; web_form.set_font_size(InputPlace::tag("form"), font_size); web_form.set_background_color(InputPlace::tag("form"), background_color.clone()); web_form.set_disabled(InputPlace::name("btn_SetBodyValue"), true); web_form.add_tag(InputPlace::tag("form"), "h3"); web_form.set_text(InputPlace::tag("h3"), format!("Welcome {}!", name)); HttpResponse::Ok().body(web_form.response()) } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result { let web_form = WebForms::new(); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .app_data(web::Data::new(web_form.clone())) .wrap(Logger::default()) .route("/", web::get().to(index)) .route("/submit", web::post().to(submit_form)) }) .bind("")? .run() .await }

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Ruby (Sinatra framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Ruby WebForms class link:

View file

require 'sinatra'
require_relative 'WebForms'

post '/' do
  if params['btn_SetBodyValue']
    name = params['txt_Name']
    background_color = params['txt_BackgroundColor']
    font_size = params['txt_FontSize'].to_i

    form = WebForms.new

    form.set_font_size(InputPlace.tag('form'), font_size)
    form.set_background_color(InputPlace.tag('form'), background_color)
    form.set_disabled(InputPlace.name('btn_SetBodyValue'), true)

    form.add_tag(InputPlace.tag('form'), 'h3')
    form.set_text(InputPlace.tag('h3'), "Welcome #{name}!")

    return form.response

  erb :form



  Using WebForms Core


In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Swift (Vapor framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Swift WebForms class link:

View file

import Vapor

func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
    app.post { req -> Response in
        guard let data = try? req.content.decode(FormData.self) else {
            throw Abort(.badRequest)

        let name = data.txt_Name
        let backgroundColor = data.txt_BackgroundColor
        let fontSize = data.txt_FontSize

        let form = WebForms()

        form.setFontSize(InputPlace.tag("form"), fontSize)
        form.setBackgroundColor(InputPlace.tag("form"), backgroundColor)
        form.setDisabled(InputPlace.name("btn_SetBodyValue"), true)

        form.addTag(InputPlace.tag("form"), "h3")
        form.setText(InputPlace.tag("h3"), "Welcome \(name)!")

        return form.response()

struct FormData: Content {
    var txt_Name: String
    var txt_BackgroundColor: String
    var txt_FontSize: Int

func renderForm() -> String {
    return """
      Using WebForms Core

""" } app.get { req in return Response(status: .ok, body: .init(string: renderForm())) }

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:


To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Go WebForms class link:

View file

package main

import (

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", handleForm)
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

func handleForm(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    if r.Method == http.MethodPost {
        name := r.FormValue("txt_Name")
        backgroundColor := r.FormValue("txt_BackgroundColor")
        fontSize, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("txt_FontSize"))
        if err != nil {
            fontSize = 16

        form := new(WebForms)

        form.setFontSize(InputPlace.tag("form"), fontSize)
        form.setBackgroundColor(InputPlace.tag("form"), backgroundColor)
        form.setDisabled(InputPlace.name("btn_SetBodyValue"), true)

        form.addTag(InputPlace.tag("form"), "h3")
        form.setText(InputPlace.tag("h3"), "Welcome " name "!")

        fmt.Fprint(w, form.response())

    fmt.Fprint(w, `

  Using WebForms Core


`) }

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

R (Shiny framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

R WebForms class link:

View file



In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Elixir (Phoenix framework)

To use WebForms Core, first copy the WebForms class file in below link to your project. Then create a new View file similar to the one below.

Elixir WebForms class link:

View file

  Using WebForms Core


Also, create a Controller class file as follows.

Controller class

defmodule MyAppWeb.FormController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller

  alias MyApp.WebForms

  def index(conn, _params) do
    render(conn, "index.html")

  def create(conn, %{"txt_Name" => name, "txt_BackgroundColor" => background_color, "txt_FontSize" => font_size}) do
    font_size = String.to_integer(font_size)

    form = %WebForms{}

    form =
      |> WebForms.set_font_size(InputPlace.tag("form"), font_size)
      |> WebForms.set_background_color(InputPlace.tag("form"), background_color)
      |> WebForms.set_disabled(InputPlace.name("btn_SetBodyValue"), true)
      |> WebForms.add_tag(InputPlace.tag("form"), "h3")
      |> WebForms.set_text(InputPlace.tag("h3"), "Welcome #{name}!")

    response = WebForms.response(form)

    |> put_flash(:info, response)
    |> redirect(to: "/")

In the upper part of the View file, it is first checked whether the submit button has been clicked or not, if it has been clicked, an instance of the WebForms class is created, then the WebForms methods are called, and then the response method is printed on the screen, and other parts Views are not displayed. Please note that if the submit button is not clicked (initial request), the view page will be displayed completely for the requester.

As you can see, the WebFormsJS script has been added in the header section of the View file above.

The latest version of the WebFormsJS script is available through the link below:

Please share your success or failure in implementing WebForms Core in the comments section.

Release Statement This article is reproduced at: https://dev.to/elanatframework/webforms-core-technology-in-rust-ruby-swift-go-r-elixir-28fl?1 If there is any infringement, please contact [email protected] to delete it
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