This error message typically arises when attempting to access resources over HTTPS using PHP's file_get_contents() function. The underlying cause is the absence of the necessary HTTPS wrapper, which must be enabled in PHP's configuration.
Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Verify Extension Loading:
Ensure that the openssl extension is loaded in your PHP configuration. Check the php.ini file for the line:
2. Cross-Platform Considerations:
3. HTTPS Wrapper Activation:
In the PHP configuration, ensure that the "allow_url_fopen" setting is enabled:
Check that the "enable_curl" setting is also enabled (if using cURL):
4. Enable OpenSSL in Phar Extension:
If the Phar extension is disabled, enable it in the PHP configuration by removing the semicolon before:
5. Check Wrapped Extensions Load Order (Optional):
Edit php.ini and add the following line to the bottom:
Additional Notes:
By implementing these steps, you can successfully enable the HTTPS wrapper in PHP and resolve the "Unable to find the wrapper 'https'" error when accessing resources over HTTPS using file_get_contents().
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