In PHP and MySQL, "SET NAMES utf8" and "SET CHARACTER SET utf8" are typically used when working with UTF-8 encoding. However, when using PDO, the "PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND" parameter limits us to a single query. Therefore, it's essential to consider if "SET CHARACTER SET utf8" is necessary in this context.
Impact of "SET CHARACTER SET utf8" on Connection Settings
Using "SET CHARACTER SET utf8" after "SET NAMES utf8" will reset the "character_set_connection" and "collation_connection" to the database's default settings ("@@character_set_database" and "@@collation_database").
Difference between "SET NAMES" and "SET CHARACTER SET"
"SET NAMES x" affects:
"SET CHARACTER SET x" affects:
Character Encoding/Transcoding Process
MySQL processes queries and results through multiple transcoding steps:
Significance of Default Database Character Set
If the database's default character set is not UTF-8, using "SET CHARACTER SET utf8" may not fully enable UTF-8 support. This is because step 3 of the transcoding process might result in data loss if the column collation is not UTF-8 compatible.
In general, "SET NAMES utf8" is the preferred method for handling character set issues. Setting the MySQL server variables in "my.cnf" can avoid the performance overhead of unnecessary SET commands on every connection.
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