"If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools." - Confucius, "The Analects of Confucius. Lu Linggong"
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How to realize Real-Time Speech with Dify API

Published on 2024-11-01

Dify is an open-sourced SaaS platform for building LLM workflows online. I'm using the API to create conversational AI experience on my app. I was struggling with getting TTS streams as the API response and play it. Here I demonstrates how to process the audio streams and play it correctly.

I'm using the API endpoint https://api.dify.ai/v1/chat-messages for text chat. It returns audio data in the same stream as the text response if we enabled Text to Speach feature in our Dify apps.

Press ADD FEATURE button and add Text to Speach feature.
How to realize Real-Time Speech with Dify API

You can check the response from API with the following curl command.

curl -X POST 'https://api.dify.ai/v1/chat-messages' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "inputs": {},
    "query": "What are the specs of the iPhone 13 Pro Max?",
    "response_mode": "streaming",
    "conversation_id": "",
    "user": "abc-123",
    "files": []

I demonstrate in TypeScript / JavaScript but you can apply the same logic to your programming language.

Anatomy of streamed data

First, let's understand what kind of data Dify is using for the streams.

Streamed data format

Dify is using the following text data format. It is like JSON lines but it is not the same exactly.

data: {"event": "workflow_started", "conversation_id": "065fb118-35d4-4524-a067-a70338ece575", "message_id": "3f0fe3cf-5aa1-4f7c-8abe-2505bf07ae8f", "created_at": 1724478014, "task_id": "dacb2d5c-a6f5-44b5-b5a6-de000f24aeba", "workflow_run_id": "50100b30-e458-4632-ad7d-8dd383823376", "data": {"id": "50100b30-e458-4632-ad7d-8dd383823376", "workflow_id": "debdb4fa-dcab-4233-9413-fd6d17b9e36a", "sequence_number": 334, "inputs": {"sys.query": "What are the specs of the iPhone 13 Pro Max?", "sys.files": [], "sys.conversation_id": "065fb118-35d4-4524-a067-a70338ece575", "sys.user_id": "abc-123"}, "created_at": 1724478014}}

data: {"event": "node_started", "conversation_id": "065fb118-35d4-4524-a067-a70338ece575", "message_id": "3f0fe3cf-5aa1-4f7c-8abe-2505bf07ae8f", "created_at": 1724478014, "task_id": "dacb2d5c-a6f5-44b5-b5a6-de000f24aeba", "workflow_run_id": "50100b30-e458-4632-ad7d-8dd383823376", "data": {"id": "bf912f43-29dd-4ee2-aefa-0fabdf379257", "node_id": "1721365917005", "node_type": "start", "title": "\u958b\u59cb", "index": 1, "predecessor_node_id": null, "inputs": null, "created_at": 1724478013, "extras": {}}}

data: {"event": "node_finished", "conversation_id": "065fb118-35d4-4524-a067-a70338ece575", "message_id": "3f0fe3cf-5aa1-4f7c-8abe-2505bf07ae8f", "created_at": 1724478014, "task_id": "dacb2d5c-a6f5-44b5-b5a6-de000f24aeba", "workflow_run_id": "50100b30-e458-4632-ad7d-8dd383823376", "data": {"id": "bf912f43-29dd-4ee2-aefa-0fabdf379257", "node_id": "1721365917005", "node_type": "start", "title": "\u958b\u59cb", "index": 1, "predecessor_node_id": null, "inputs": {"sys.query": "What are the specs of the iPhone 13 Pro Max?", "sys.files": [], "sys.conversation_id": "065fb118-35d4-4524-a067-a70338ece575", "sys.user_id": "abc-123", "sys.dialogue_count": 1}, "process_data": null, "outputs": {"sys.query": "What are the specs of the iPhone 13 Pro Max?", "sys.files": [], "sys.conversation_id": "065fb118-35d4-4524-a067-a70338ece575", "sys.user_id": "abc-123", "sys.dialogue_count": 1}, "status": "succeeded", "error": null, "elapsed_time": 0.001423838548362255, "execution_metadata": null, "created_at": 1724478013, "finished_at": 1724478013, "files": []}}

data: {"event": "node_started", "conversation_id": "065fb118-35d4-4524-a067-a70338ece575", "message_id": "3f0fe3cf-5aa1-4f7c-8abe-2505bf07ae8f", "created_at": 1724478014, "task_id": "dacb2d5c-a6f5-44b5-b5a6-de000f24aeba", "workflow_run_id": "50100b30-e458-4632-ad7d-8dd383823376", "data": {"id": "89ed58ab-6157-499b-81b2-92b1336969a5", "node_id": "llm", "node_type": "llm", "title": "LLM", "index": 2, "predecessor_node_id": "1721365917005", "inputs": null, "created_at": 1724478013, "extras": {}}}


In the response, Dify pushes text answer and audio data.

Example line of text answer

data: {"event": "message", "conversation_id": "aa13eb24-e90a-4c5d-a36b-756f0e3be8f8", "message_id": "5be739a9-09ba-4444-9905-a2f37f8c7a21", "created_at": 1724301648, "task_id": "0643f770-e9d3-408f-b771-bb2e9430b4f9", "id": "5be739a9-09ba-4444-9905-a2f37f8c7a21", "answer": "MP"}

Example line of audio data

data: {"event": "tts_message", "conversation_id": "aa13eb24-e90a-4c5d-a36b-756f0e3be8f8", "message_id": "5be739a9-09ba-4444-9905-a2f37f8c7a21", "created_at": 1724301648, "task_id": "0643f770-e9d3-408f-b771-bb2e9430b4f9", "audio": "//PkxABhvDm0DVp4ACUUfvWc1CFlh0tR9Oh7LxzHRsGBuGx155x3JqTJiwKKZf8wIcxpMzJU0h4zhgyQwwwIsgWQMAALQMkanBTjfCPgZwFsDOGGIYJoJoJoJoPQPQLYEgAOwM4SMXMW8TcNWGrEPEME0HoIQTg0DQNA0C5k7IOLeJuDnDVi5nWyJwgghAagQwTQQgJAGrDVibiFhqw1YR8HOEjBUA5AcgagQwTQTQQgJAAtgLYKsQ8hZc0PV7OrE4SgQgFIAsAQAwA6H0Uv4t4m4m49Yt4uYOQHIBkAyAqAkAuB0Mm6UeKxDGRrIODkByBqBNBCA1ARwHIEgBVg5wkY41W2GgdEVDFBNe HicQw0ydk7HrHrIWXM62d48ePNfCkNATcTcNWGrCRhqxDxcwMYBwBkByCGC4EILgoJTQUDeW8W8TcTchZ1qBWIYchOBbBCA1AhgSMJGGrFzLmh6fL LeBkAyAZAcgSAXAhB0Kxnj4YDkJwXA6FAzwj8IIJoJoPQXA6EPOcg4R8FOBnCRljRAwlwoh4EUwLhFTCVA MR0R8wyxOhgAwwDgJjBUABMM0hMxBgnTPtMrMBEEcwJQCzIXIdMZMG821DmjDKHJAwLDKHRMQsJkwbwVRoFs//PkxEx5dDnwAZ7wANHgEUFJHGCUCQp3LWCQQYGAATI5QzwHBJF4UFktpfATT2l0goAGNADLOU64HAMCQCK50szABAIkDS2/j8gl6l6Di7QgBEiAfMEADBnyZBgeAWCMK4xvBbhoRZj1M ktsNMTrMNcHEwHQEzAjAHMGQAQwRQZTBHALMGMDkzhh2jGhLtMgsMMwfhOzCnGLMMcKgwOw8pqHMoGtvdDzos0AIAiXIsBAmGsRFtYcBABmB0AUYjQfhhDAfjoCrETAGArMOAJ4iAAMCMFkwXwh5fffuhpYMhyP2bl3MVAJQrSYQDsna7G2 fx/GvyAwUQbTAdAFCAHVKyIAduTXHZZXDjNS57/VeVJ5 JBJ 0kATkCSells8/NBt/2/5Dj1s chDBYSINutNS9FQwDwBWHjgASKRgAAJOyYC4Ao0CMNAKBgB6KK1hYBkAAHROM9mLsknb8avTcB0MerV6jl7llE70egOerRh9WcP/FoHqtVsO/In2f G2tsdnH L/KSSvBQB4OATam27Yi4jiBgBFOpq15bTQU6k1G4LoWo1mMAwDQwlBEzEnKsMkA7c5JYuTOzK2MvAbEysSPTM dOOn1XEzGgIzXzmPODVvs1cyNTJxQ9MsAWwy//PkxDlz7DIMAd7gAek5EwnjcjX9QVN1N0czFyijQKOmMi4IYw8RvzFvCHMHYBQwdQlTRxVNvm8ycGjLYlMTAQ=="}

We can distinguish JSON lines of audio data by checking the event property. Audio JSON has tts_message as the value. The audio mp3 binary is stored in the audio property of the JSONs in base64 format.

Problems in handling data

The first problem that we have when we play TTS audio real-time is the JSON lines are split into packets and each packet is not valid JSON data as it is.

Example packet which is cut in a middle


The packet is starting from the middle of a JSON line. We have to combine multiple packets to get valid JSONs lines.

The second problem is the audio data chunk in a JSON is not a valid audio data. The data is cut in a middle of mp3 frames.


To handle the split data of JSON and mp3, we have to do some smart way. The flow of the process is following:

How to realize Real-Time Speech with Dify API

First, we have to get valid JSON data and split into JSONs while receiving packets. When we got a packet with \n at the end, we can say the concatenation of the packets received so far is not cut in the middle. The pseudo code is like this.

let packets = []
stream.on('data', (bytes) => {
   const text = bytes.toString()
   if (text.endsWith('\n')) {
      // Extract audio data from the packets.
      const audioChunks = extractAudioChunks(packets.join(''))
      // Clear the packet array
      packets = []

Second, we have to split the audio chunks into mp3 frames. We concat the audio chunks into a binary and find each mp3 frames in it.

const mp3Frames = []
const binaryToProcess = Buffer.concat([...audioChunks])
let frameStartIndex = 0
for (let i = 0; i 

This is not the full implementation of splitting into mp3 frames. In the actual process, we have to consider cases that we have remainder bytes when we extracted mp3 frames from the audio binary and use the remainder as the beginning of the audio bytes in the next iteration. Please check my Github repo for the full implementation.

Release Statement This article is reproduced at: https://dev.to/ku6ryo/how-to-realize-real-time-speech-with-dify-api-4ii1?1 If there is any infringement, please contact [email protected] to delete it
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