Project "Face Expression Recognition" aims to recognize human facial expressions using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method. The CNN algorithm is applied to analyze visual data such as facial images in grayscale format, which is then classified into seven categories of basic expressions: happy, sad, angry, shocked, fear, disgust, and neutral. This model is trained using Dataset Fer2013 and successfully reached an accuracy of 91.67% after training for 500 EPOCH.
Project "Face Expression Recognition" is the end of the Artificial Intelligence course where in this project there are achievements that must be achieved including:
The problem of lighting differences that affect the level of accuracy.
Lighting variations can affect the accuracy of the model. To overcome this, normalization of data is carried out to ensure lighting in the image is more uniform so that the patterns in the face image can be recognized better.
complexity of similar expressions.
Some expressions, such as "fear" and "surprised," have similar characteristics that are difficult to distinguish by models. The solution applied is to carry out data augmentation such as rotation, zoom, flipping, and contrast changes to improve the ability of models generalization of new data.
Dataset which is quite limited
Dataset Fer2013, although quite large, does not cover a variety of facial variations globally. To enrich the dataset, I use the data augmentation technique and add data from other relevant sources to create a better representation of facial expressions.
This project provides in -depth insights on how artificial intelligence -based systems can be used to recognize facial expressions. The development process shows its importance:
By overcoming existing challenges, this project has succeeded in building a facial expression introduction model that can be applied to various applications such as human-computer interaction, emotional analysis, and psychological monitoring.
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