MySQL Password Function Considerations
When hashing passwords for an application, it's crucial to determine the best approach. MySQL's password function is particularly relevant in this regard, but its usage has raised debate.
Pros and Cons of MySQL's Password Function
Using MySQL's password function offers some advantages. It's a built-in function that handles hashing and salting securely. However, it also has potential drawbacks:
Recommended Alternatives
Due to these concerns, it's strongly recommended to avoid MySQL's password function for application passwords. Instead, handle both hashing and salt generation within the application itself. This allows for more control and flexibility over the security measures.
Best Practices
For optimal password security, consider the following best practices:
Updates on MySQL Support
MySQL's roadmap has evolved over time. While a SHA2() function was initially planned, its status has changed.
Therefore, it's crucial to update your application to the latest MySQL version and adhere to the recommended best practices for password handling.
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