We know that math is a science of precision. Can we say the same about GeoGebra, an interactive math learning software? Let's analyze the project source code using PVS-Studio!
Do you remember how you learned computer science at university? All these matrix and vector multiplications, polynomial equations, interpolation, extrapolation... What if we look at these scary formulas in a real project, rather than in another lab report? What if we dig for issues in such a code base? I suggest running PVS-Studio and dusting off math textbooks. Why textbooks? Let me show you.
One of the main challenges in examining the source code of such programs is to understand what's going on. When reviewing the analyzer report, we've had questions whether the warnings indicate real issues.
Let's take a look at the following fragment:
@Override public void compute() { .... if (cumulative != null && cumulative.getBoolean()) { .... } else { .... branchAtoMode = fv.wrap().subtract(a).multiplyR(2) .divide(bEn.subtract(a).multiply(modeEn.subtract(a))); branchModeToB = fv.wrap().subtract(b).multiplyR(2) .divide(bEn.subtract(a).multiply(modeEn.subtract(b))); rightBranch = new MyDouble(kernel, 0); } .... }
We get the following PVS-Studio warning:
V6072 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'b' variable should be used instead of 'a'. AlgoTriangularDF.java 145, AlgoTriangularDF.java 146, AlgoTriangularDF.java 147, AlgoTriangularDF.java 148
Is it really a typo? After a quick research, and once we found the right formula, we can say that everything is written correctly.
The code fragment evaluates the triangular distribution, i.e. the probability density function (PDF) for this distribution. We found the formula:
Now let's go through the code.
Here,* fv* is a function variable. wrap returns wrapper, and then the necessary mathematical operations are performed. It's interesting to note that there are both multiply and multiplyR methods. In the second method, R stands for right and swaps operands, as multiplication is not always commutative.
So, the second expression result is written to branchAToMode, and the fourth expression is written to branchModeToB.
We also noticed that in branchModeToB, the signs for the numerator and denominator have been changed. We get the following expression:
The expression value didn't change.
So, we refreshed our mathematical knowledge to understand some of the warnings we received. It's not hard to identify if there is a real error in the code, but it's hard to understand what it's supposed to be here instead.
Let's start simple and look at the following method:
private void updateSide(int index, int newBottomPointsLength) { .... GeoSegmentND[] s = new GeoSegmentND[4]; GeoSegmentND segmentBottom = outputSegmentsBottom.getElement(index); s[0] = segmentBottom; s[1] = segmentSide1; s[2] = segmentSide2; s[2] = segmentSide3; polygon.setSegments(s); polygon.calcArea(); }
We see that someone has forgotten to replace s[2] with s[3]. The last line effect is in all its brilliance. It's the legendary and all-too-common copy-paste error. As a result, the fourth array item is missing and is null!
V6033 An item with the same key '2' has already been changed. AlgoPolyhedronNetPrism.java 376, AlgoPolyhedronNetPrism.java 377
Now try to spot the issue in the following code snippet:
static synchronized HashMapgetGeogebraMap() { .... geogebraMap.put("−", "-"); geogebraMap.put("⊥", "# "); geogebraMap.put("∼", "~ "); geogebraMap.put("′", "# "); geogebraMap.put("≤", Unicode.LESS_EQUAL ""); geogebraMap.put("≥", Unicode.GREATER_EQUAL ""); geogebraMap.put("∞", Unicode.INFINITY ""); .... geogebraMap.put("∏", "# "); geogebraMap.put("∏", "# "); geogebraMap.put("〉", "# "); geogebraMap.put("⟩", "# "); geogebraMap.put("→", "# "); geogebraMap.put("⇒", "# "); geogebraMap.put("⟩", "# "); geogebraMap.put("→", "# "); geogebraMap.put("⇒", "# "); geogebraMap.put("→", "# "); geogebraMap.put("⋅", "* "); geogebraMap.put("∼", "# "); geogebraMap.put("∝", "# "); geogebraMap.put("∝", "# "); geogebraMap.put("∝", "# "); geogebraMap.put("⊂", "# "); .... return geogebraMap; }
What a magnificent view! It's a joy to read, and this is only a small part because this method starts on line 66 and ends on the 404th. The analyzer issues 50 warnings of the V6033 type. Let's take a quick look at one of these warnings:
V6033 An item with the same key '"∼"' has already been added. MathMLParser.java 229, MathMLParser.java 355
Let's remove the superfluous fragments and look at the expressions referred to the warning:
geogebraMap.put("∼", "~ "); .... geogebraMap.put("∼", "# ");
It's interesting, though. What is the spacing between the method calls? There are 126 lines. Well, good luck finding such an error by hand!
Most are duplicates in key and value. However, a few cases are similar to the example above, where developers overwrite the value with a different one. Which one should we use?
@Override protected boolean updateForItSelf() { .... if (conic.getType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_SINGLE_POINT) { .... } else { if (visible != Visible.FRUSTUM_INSIDE) { .... switch (conic.getType()) { case GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_CIRCLE: updateEllipse(brush); //The method for the ellipse is called for both the ellipse and the circle. Indeed, we can assume that this is okay because a circle is also an ellipse. However, the class also has the updateCircle method. What's it supposed to be, then? Let's dive into it a little deeper.
Everything takes place in the DrawConic3D class. Here are the methods for the ellipse and the circle:
protected void updateCircle(PlotterBrush brush) { if (visible == Visible.CENTER_OUTSIDE) { longitude = brush.calcArcLongitudesNeeded(e1, alpha, getView3D().getScale()); brush.arc(m, ev1, ev2, e1, beta - alpha, 2 * alpha, longitude); } else { longitude = brush.calcArcLongitudesNeeded(e1, Math.PI, getView3D().getScale()); brush.circle(m, ev1, ev2, e1, longitude); } } protected void updateEllipse(PlotterBrush brush) { if (visible == Visible.CENTER_OUTSIDE) { brush.arcEllipse(m, ev1, ev2, e1, e2, beta - alpha, 2 * alpha); } else { brush.arcEllipse(m, ev1, ev2, e1, e2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); } }Well... It doesn't give that much confidence. The method bodies are different, but nothing here indicates that we risk displaying unacceptable geometric objects if the method is called incorrectly.
Could there be other clues? A whole single one! The updateCircle method is never used in the project. Meanwhile, updateEllipse is used four times: twice in the first fragment and then twice in DrawConicSection3D, the inheritor class of* DrawConic3D*:
@Override protected void updateCircle(PlotterBrush brush) { updateEllipse(brush); } @Override protected void updateEllipse(PlotterBrush brush) { // .... } else { super.updateEllipse(brush); } }This updateCircle isn't used, either. So, updateEllipse only has a call in its own override and in the fragment where we first found updateForItSelf. In schematic form, the structure looks like as follows:
On the one hand, it seems that the developers wanted to use the all-purpose updateEllipse method to draw a circle. On the other hand, it's a bit strange that DrawConicSection3D has the updateCircle method that calls updateEllipse. However, updateCircle will never be called.
It's hard to guess what the fixed code may look like if the error is actually in the code. For example, if updateCircle needs to call updateEllipse in DrawConicSection3D, but DrawConic3D needs a more optimized algorithm for the circle, the fixed scheme might look like this:
So, it seems that developers once wrote updateCircle and then lost it, and we may have found its intended "home". Looks like we have discovered the ruins of the refactoring after which the developers forgot about the "homeless" method. In any case, it's worth rewriting this code to make it clearer so that we don't end up with so many questions.
All these questions have arisen because of the PVS-Studio warning. That's the warning, by the way:
V6067 Two or more case-branches perform the same actions. DrawConic3D.java 212, DrawConic3D.java 215
Order of missing object
private void updateOrdering(GeoElement geo, ObjectMovement movement) { .... switch (movement) { .... case FRONT: .... if (index == firstIndex) { if (index != 0) { geo.setOrdering(orderingDepthMidpoint(index)); } else { geo.setOrdering(drawingOrder.get(index - 1).getOrdering() - 1); } } .... } .... }We get the following warning:
V6025 Index 'index - 1' is out of bounds. LayerManager.java 393
This is curious because, in the else block, the index variable is guaranteed to get the value 0. So, we pass -1 as an argument to the get method. What's the result? We catch an IndexOutOfBoundsException.
@Override protected int getGLType(Type type) { switch (type) { case TRIANGLE_STRIP: return GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; case TRIANGLE_FAN: return GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; //The code is new, but the error is already well-known. It's quite obvious that GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP should be GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN instead*.* The methods may be similar in some ways, but the results are different. You can read about it under the spoiler.
V6067 Two or more case-branches perform the same actions. RendererImplShadersD.java 243, RendererImplShadersD.java 245
To describe a series of triangles, we need to save the coordinates of the three vertices of each triangle. Thus, given N triangles, we need the saved 3N vertices. If we describe a polyhedral object using a polygon mesh, it's important to know if the triangles are connected. If they are, we can use the Triangle Strip or the Triangle Fan to describe the set of triangles using N 2 vertices.
We note that the Triangle Fan has been removed in Direct3D 10. In OpenGL 4.6, this primitive still exists.
The Triangle Fan uses one center vertex as common, as well as the last vertex and the new vertex. Look at the following example:
To describe it, we'd need the entry (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). There are five triangles and seven vertices in the entry.
The Triangle Strip uses the last two vertices and a new one. For instance, we can create the image below using the same sequence of vertices:
Therefore, if we use the wrong primitive, we'll get dramatically different results.
Overwritten values
public static void addToJsObject( JsPropertyMap
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