Invert CSS Font Color Based on Background Color
In CSS, there is no direct property that allows you to invert the font color based on the background color. However, there are various techniques you can utilize to achieve this effect.
Using Pseudo Elements
Pseudo-elements can be used to create a wrapper around the text, which you can then style independently. For example:
.inverted-bar { position: relative; } .inverted-bar:before, .inverted-bar:after { padding: 10px 0; text-indent: 10px; position: absolute; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; content: attr(data-content); } .inverted-bar:before { background-color: aqua; color: red; width: 100%; } .inverted-bar:after { background-color: red; color: aqua; width: 20%; }
Using Two DIVs
For older browsers that do not support pseudo-elements, you can use two DIVs instead:
.inverted-bar { position: relative; padding: 10px; text-indent: 10px; } .inverted-bar:before { content: attr(data-content); background-color: aqua; color: red; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; padding: 10px 0; width: 100%; } .inverted-bar > div { content: attr(data-content); background-color: red; color: aqua; position: absolute; padding: 10px 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 20%; }
Note: The exact implementation may vary depending on your specific requirements and browser support.
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