A Trie is a tree-like data structure that is used for efficiently storing and searching strings, especially in applications like autocomplete, spell checking, and IP routing.
Inserting a word involves traversing the trie and creating new nodes for characters that don’t exist.
Search checks whether a word exists in the trie by traversing its nodes.
This checks whether any word in the trie starts with a given prefix.
class TrieNode { constructor() { this.children = {}; // Stores child nodes this.isEndOfWord = false; // Marks the end of a word } } class Trie { constructor() { this.root = new TrieNode(); } // Insert a word insert(word) { let node = this.root; for (let char of word) { if (!node.children[char]) { node.children[char] = new TrieNode(); } node = node.children[char]; } node.isEndOfWord = true; // Mark the end of the word } // Search for a word search(word) { let node = this.root; for (let char of word) { if (!node.children[char]) { return false; } node = node.children[char]; } return node.isEndOfWord; } // Check if any word starts with the given prefix startsWith(prefix) { let node = this.root; for (let char of prefix) { if (!node.children[char]) { return false; } node = node.children[char]; } return true; } } // Example usage const trie = new Trie(); trie.insert("apple"); console.log(trie.search("apple")); // true console.log(trie.search("app")); // false console.log(trie.startsWith("app")); // true trie.insert("app"); console.log(trie.search("app")); // true
Deleting a word involves a recursive approach, where we remove nodes that are no longer needed.
delete(word, node = this.root, depth = 0) { if (depth === word.length) { if (!node.isEndOfWord) return false; // Word doesn't exist node.isEndOfWord = false; return Object.keys(node.children).length === 0; // Check if node has children } const char = word[depth]; if (!node.children[char]) return false; const shouldDeleteChild = this.delete(word, node.children[char], depth 1); if (shouldDeleteChild) { delete node.children[char]; return Object.keys(node.children).length === 0 && !node.isEndOfWord; } return false; }
Count how many words start with a given prefix.
countWordsWithPrefix(prefix) { let node = this.root; for (let char of prefix) { if (!node.children[char]) return 0; node = node.children[char]; } return this._countWords(node); } _countWords(node) { let count = node.isEndOfWord ? 1 : 0; for (let char in node.children) { count = this._countWords(node.children[char]); } return count; }
Given a prefix, return all words that start with it.
getWordsWithPrefix(prefix) { let node = this.root; for (let char of prefix) { if (!node.children[char]) return []; node = node.children[char]; } return this._collectWords(node, prefix); } _collectWords(node, prefix) { let results = []; if (node.isEndOfWord) results.push(prefix); for (let char in node.children) { results = results.concat(this._collectWords(node.children[char], prefix char)); } return results; }
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