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Fixing Package Dependencies

Published on 2024-07-31

Fixing Package Dependencies

Both Embroider and pnpm ask that packages declare their dependencies correctly: List a dependency (if and only) if it is used.

This is difficult to do when working on a large monorepo (consider an Ember app with many Ember addons and Node packages) that uses yarn@v1. Developers can forget to update the package.json's, because the Ember app can build and run even when a dependency is missing, as long as it gets pulled in from another package.

So neither build nor run can tell us if some package didn't declare its dependencies right. How else can we fix the package.json's so that we can introduce Embroider and pnpm?

1. Static code analysis

Given a file, we can see which dependencies should be present, because we know how JavaScript and Ember work.

For example, were a JavaScript (or TypeScript) file to show,

import { setupIntl } from 'ember-intl/test-support';
import { setupRenderingTest as upstreamSetupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';

export function setupRenderingTest(hooks, options) {
  upstreamSetupRenderingTest(hooks, options);

  // Additional setup for rendering tests can be done here.
  setupIntl(hooks, 'de-de');

we can tell from the import statements that the package depends on ember-intl and ember-qunit.

And, if a template file were to show,

{{page-title "My App"}}


our knowledge of Ember and its addon ecosystem directs us to ember-page-title, ember-welcome-page, and ember-source, respectively. Even when things are implicit (e.g. ambiguity in double curly braces, module resolution, service injection), we can guess the origin of an asset with high accuracy, thanks to Ember's strong conventions.

2. Codemod

Still, we shouldn't check every file in every package manually. That's time-consuming and error-prone.

Instead, we write a codemod (really, a linter) using @codemod-utils. For every package, the codemod parses what's relevant and creates a list of dependencies that should be present ("actual"). It then compares the list to that from package.json ("expected").

To analyze implicit code, there needs to be a list of known assets (a one-time creation), which maps every package that we want to consider to its assets. We can use a Map to record that information.

const KNOWN_ASSETS = new Map([
      helpers: [
      services: ['intl'],
      helpers: ['page-title'],
      services: ['page-title'],
      components: ['welcome-page'],

Now, because of how Ember works, a naive analysis of import statements may lead to false positives. Take the following example:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import fetch from 'fetch';

When we don't provide the right context (i.e. this code is for Ember), the codemod would consider @ember/routing and fetch as dependencies, instead of ember-source and (likely) ember-fetch. The codemod should present its analysis in such a way that we can easily check for false positives.

// Results for my-package-37

  missingDependencies: [
  unusedDependencies: [
  unknowns: [
    'Services - host-router (addon/routes/registration.ts)',

3. Results

The codemod that I had built (in a couple of days) analyzed a production repo with 129 packages in 49 seconds. There were a total of 12,377 files, but the codemod knew to analyze only 6,013 of them (less than half). That's an average of 0.008 seconds/file and 0.38 seconds/package!

To learn more about writing codemods, check out the main tutorial from @codemod-utils.

Release Statement This article is reproduced at: https://dev.to/ijlee2/fixing-package-dependencies-5557?1 If there is any infringement, please contact [email protected] to delete it
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