Modifying Lines in a File In-Place
Is it possible to efficiently parse a file line by line and modify specific lines without creating a copy or temporary file?
Yes, it is possible to simulate in-place editing using a backup file. The fileinput module provides the necessary functionality for this.
Consider a script that removes lines not meeting a certain condition from files provided as command-line arguments or stdin:
import fileinput for line in fileinput.input(inplace=True, backup='.bak'): if some_condition(line): print(line) # The modified line is output to the current file
To remove lines not satisfying some_condition from first_file.txt and second_file.txt, run the following command:
python first_file.txt second_file.txt
Upon completion, first_file.txt and second_file.txt will only contain lines that meet the some_condition() predicate.
This approach ensures efficient in-place modification by creating a backup file .bak during the editing process, preserving the original file if any errors occur.
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