Can JavaScript Check Chrome Extension Installation?
In today's web development, it may be necessary to determine if a specific Chrome extension is installed on a user's browser. This functionality enables web applications to seamlessly interact with installed browser extensions.
Extension Background Script:
To enable communication from the website to the extension, update the background script (background.js) of the extension as follows:
chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if (request) { if (request.message) { if (request.message == "version") { sendResponse({version: 1.0}); } } } return true; });
Website Script:
From the website, the following script can be used to check for the extension:
var hasExtension = false; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extensionId, { message: "version" }, function (reply) { if (reply) { if (reply.version) { if (reply.version >= requiredVersion) { hasExtension = true; } } } else { hasExtension = false; } });
The hasExtension variable can then be checked to determine the presence of the extension.
Manifest Update:
To allow messaging from the website to the extension, ensure that the extension's manifest.json file includes the following:
"externally_connectable": { "matches": ["*://localhost/*", "*://*"] },
2021 Update:
Note that since 2021, chrome.runtime.sendMessage throws an exception if the extension is not installed or disabled. To address this, validate the chrome.runtime.lastError property within the callback:
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { // handle error }
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