To establish the parent-child relationship between spans, the headers must be utilized in situations where context propagation is not viable. In this scenario, a trace ID and span ID are contained within the message broker's headers, which allows the subscriber to create a new span with the parent trace ID.
The following steps can be taken to construct a context or span on the subscriber side using the trace ID:
func constructNewSpanContext(traceID string) (spanContext trace.SpanContext, err error) {
traceID, err := trace.TraceIDFromHex(traceID)
if err != nil {
return trace.SpanContext{}, err
return trace.NewSpanContext(trace.SpanContextConfig{
TraceID: traceID,
}), nil
spanContext, err := constructNewSpanContext(request.TraceID)
if err != nil {
requestContext := context.Background()
requestContext = trace.ContextWithSpanContext(requestContext, spanContext)
requestInLoopSpan, _ := otel.Tracer("requestInLoop").Start(requestContext, "requestInLoopSpan")
By following these steps, you can successfully construct a new span on the subscriber side using the trace ID extracted from the message headers, ensuring the hierarchical relationship between the spans.
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