20 Most Useful Shortcuts in VS Code
General Navigation
- Command Palette: Access all available commands in VS Code.
Ctrl Shift P (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd Shift P (macOS)
- Quick Open: Quickly open files by name.
Ctrl P (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd P (macOS)
- Toggle Sidebar: Show or hide the sidebar.
Ctrl B (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd B (macOS)
- Split Editor: Split the editor to view multiple files side by side.
Ctrl \ (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd \ (macOS)
- Move Line Up/Down: Move the current line or selected lines up or down.
Alt ↑ / Alt ↓ (Windows/Linux) OR Option ↑ / Option ↓ (macOS)
- Copy Line Up/Down: Duplicate the current line or selected text.
Shift Alt ↑ / Shift Alt ↓ (Windows/Linux) OR Shift Option ↑ / Shift Option ↓ (macOS)
- Comment/Uncomment Line: Comment or uncomment the selected line or lines.
Ctrl / (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd / (macOS)
- Block Comment: Add or remove block comments around the selected code.
Shift Alt A (Windows/Linux/macOS)
- Multi-Cursor Selection: Place multiple cursors for simultaneous edits.
Ctrl Click (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd Click (macOS)
- Select All Occurrences of Word: Select all instances of the current word for simultaneous editing.
Ctrl Shift L (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd Shift L (macOS)
Navigation and Search
- Go to Definition: Jump to the definition of a symbol.
F12 (Windows/Linux/macOS)
- Peek Definition: View a definition inline without leaving the current location.
Alt F12 (Windows/Linux) OR Option F12 (macOS)
- Find: Open the search box to find within the current file.
Ctrl F (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd F (macOS)
- Find and Replace: Open the find and replace dialog.
Ctrl H (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd H (macOS)
- Go to File/Go to Symbol: Navigate to a specific file or symbol in the workspace.
Ctrl Shift O (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd Shift O (macOS)
Code Editing and Formatting
- Rename Symbol: Rename all instances of a symbol across the entire workspace.
F2 (Windows/Linux/macOS)
- Format Document: Format the entire document using the appropriate formatter.
Shift Alt F (Windows/Linux) OR Shift Option F (macOS)
- Go to Line: Jump to a specific line in the file.
Ctrl G (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd G (macOS)
- Toggle Word Wrap: Enable or disable word wrapping in the editor.
Alt Z (Windows/Linux) OR Option Z (macOS)
Terminal and Settings
- Toggle Terminal: Open or close the integrated terminal.
Ctrl (Windows/Linux) OR Cmd (macOS)
These shortcuts cover common navigation, editing, and formatting tasks, helping you work more efficiently in Visual Studio Code.
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