Checking Equality of Three Values Elegantly
While the traditional approach with if a == b == c results in a syntax error, there are alternative methods to determine whether three values are equal.
Using a Clear and Concise Approach
The simplest solution remains:
if a == b && a == c {
fmt.Println("All 3 are equal")
This solution is straightforward and efficient, making comparisons on a per-pair basis.
Exploring Creative Solutions
Using a Map as a Set:
The len() function returns the number of unique keys in a map. By using a map with interface{} keys, we can check if all values are equal by comparing the map length to 1:
if len(map[interface{}]int{a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}) == 1 {
fmt.Println("All 3 are equal")
With Arrays:
Arrays are comparable, allowing us to compare multiple elements at once:
if [2]interface{}{a, b} == [2]interface{}{b, c} {
fmt.Println("All 3 are equal")
Using a Tricky Map:
We can index a map with a key that results in the comparison value:
if map[interface{}]bool{a: b == c}[b] {
fmt.Println("All 3 are equal")
With Anonymous Structs:
Structs are also comparable, so we can create an anonymous struct with the values and compare them:
if struct{ a, b interface{} }{a, b} == struct{ a, b interface{} }{b, c} {
fmt.Println("All 3 are equal")
With Slices:
To compare slices, we utilize the reflect.DeepEqual() function:
if reflect.DeepEqual([]interface{}{a, b}, []interface{}{b, c}) {
fmt.Println("All 3 are equal")
Using a Helper Function:
We can define a helper function to handle any number of values:
func AllEquals(v ...interface{}) bool {
if len(v) > 1 {
a := v[0]
for _, s := range v {
if a != s {
return false
return true
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