When dealing with database fields of specific data types, such as decimal or float, it's essential to use the appropriate PDO parameters to ensure proper data binding.
As you've encountered, updating a decimal field using PDO can be problematic. The three approaches you tried:
$update_decval->bindParam(':decval', $decval, PDO::PARAM_STR); $update_decval->bindParam(':decval', $decval, PDO::PARAM_INT); $update_decval->bindParam(':decval', $decval);
are all incorrect as they don't specify the right PDO parameter for a decimal field.
Unfortunately, there isn't a dedicated PDO::PARAM constant specifically designed for decimal or float data types. You will need to use PDO::PARAM_STR instead.
$update_decval->bindParam(':decval', $decval, PDO::PARAM_STR);
By setting the parameter to a string, PDO automatically converts the provided value to the appropriate decimal type based on the database field definition.
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