If you encounter this error, follow these steps to ensure consistency with your package name and signing key:
"android": { "permissions":["CAMERA","READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" ,"WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"], "adaptiveIcon": { "foregroundImage": "./assets/logo.png", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff" }, "package": "com.amanbhoria.yourPackageName" }
When you upload an .aab file, the Google Play Store associates that package name with your default signing key. Changing the package name can lead to signing key errors.
If you have changed the package name, you have two options:
Reset your SHA-1 key by contacting the Google Play Support team.
a) If you're using Expo developer console, you will find the credentials there
b) You can access and download your credentials using this command:
eas credentials
Although I've resolved this error but now i have to run the build again just to change the versionCode variable in app.json.
Please refrain from making this mistake XD.
Happy Coding!
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