Remnant 2 has introduced a ton of new amulets and rings with the final DLC Dark Horizon. They can be found all around the new location of N’Erud and can be used to switch up any build.
These are the various Rings I have found in the game so far. The majority of them are random drops in the map, so collecting them all is simply a case of rerolling the DLC and seeing which ones turn up. Here are all the rings in Remnant 2 Dark Horizons and their abilities. These can pair very well with the new Warden Archetype.
Ring Name | Effect | Location |
Burden of The Excavator | On Relic use, increase explosive damage by 10% for 15 seconds and cast a 3m AoE explosion, which deals 266 base damage. | Random Pickup |
Detonating Cord | On Relic use, increase explosive damage by 10% for 15 seconds and cast a 3m AoE explosion, which deals 266 base damage. | Random Pickup |
Nanofibre Strand | Increase shield amount by 10%. | Random Pickup |
Shield Alternator | Explosions cannot critical hit and increase explosive damage by 35% | Random Pickup |
Breach Accelerator | Increased movement speed and physical damage by 5% when Haste is active | When flying from the Quiescent Overlook spawn point, look to the right on the final stretch to see a small entrance in the wall. |
Closed Loop | Gain 5.6% of health as a shield for 12.5 seconds after a charged shot. Accumulation resets after 12.4 seconds max 25 % Shield. | Athenaeums Wekw pickup |
Security Half Measure | On relic use, 15% of max health was sacrificed, and a shield is granted for 11.3% of the wearer’s max health to allies within 8m. Conversion cannot kill the wearer and lasts 18.6 seconds. | Random Pickup |
Inert Overcharger | Standing still for 0.5 seconds increased the fire rate by 20%, reload speed by 15%, and reduced recoil by 50%. Last 2s after moving | Logistics Bridge |
Ring of Crisis | When the wearer’s health drops below 25%, gain a shield for 28.4% of max health, which lasts 12 seconds. | Logistics Bridge |
Momentum Driver | After sprinting for 1.5 seconds, speed is increased by 15% and stagger is reduced by 1. | Random pickup |
Ring of Ordanace | Allows N’Erudian tech to regenerate gradually while stowed or Deployed. While deployed, the tech will regenerate at 75% of the normal rate; while stowed, it is double. | Random Pickup |
Like the rings, most of these Amulets can be found by simply traveling the Remnant 2 Dark Horizon world and looting bodies. However, I marked where I found some of them simply because they were in dungeons, which may make a difference.
Amulet | Effect | Location |
Echo Chamber | Increases explosive damage by 25% and AOE size by 25%. Inflicting explosive damage applies exposed for 5s up to 15s. | Random Pickup |
Quantum Memory | A combat slide will reload the current weapon. A perfect dodge combat slide will reload all weapons. | Random Pickup |
Relay Device | Swapping firearms will increase ranged damage for 1.5 seconds plus another 0.5 for every round in the magazine for up to 15 seconds. | Random Pickup |
Emergency Switch | When below 50% health, the chance to consume relic is reduced by 50%, the final relic charge is not consumed on use, but the effect cannot be triggered for 30 seconds. | Asrophaths Respite |
Rusted Navigators Pendant | Grants 20 health, 20 stamina, and -15 encumbrance. | Astropaths Respite |
I gave one or two of these a go, trying out some with my new build for the DLC, and I have to say, a few of them really shined. I have a couple that I wear now, looking fly and staying deadly. These are the ones I recommend.
These are what I have managed to find so far. I will continue to reroll and find the remaining hidden ones. While looking for them yourself, it is always worth ensuring you have picked up the new armor set in Dark Horizon. It may just be the addition you’re looking for.
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