The next solution is to ensure you’ve given the app access to track your location. Only then it will be able to record the number of steps you take in a day.
Open Health App Info > Permissions > Location > Enable app permission to track your location.
As suggested by a Reddit user, you need to give access to the Samsung Health app in order accurately track your steps.
Open Settings > Apps > Three dots in the top-right corner > Special Access > Alarms and Reminders > Enable permission for Samsung Health app.
The Samsung Health app requires you to sign in using your Samsung account to sync all your data to different devices. As such, enable Samsung Cloud Syncing in the Samsung Health app if you’re using the same account on multiple Samsung devices.
Open the Health app > Settings > Enable Sync with Samsung Cloud.
The Samsung Health app requires continuous battery power to run smoothly. So, if the app is still not working properly on your Samsung Galaxy phone, ensure that you have disabled Battery Saver and Battery Optimization for the Health app.
Step 1: Open Settings > Battery > Disable Power saving.
Step 2: Close Settings > Go to Health App Info.
Step 3: Tap on Battery > Unrestricted Access.
If none of the solutions have worked so far, the last option is to clear the Samsung Health app cache. Clearing the app cache will remove the old corrupted cache files from your Samsung device.
Open Health App Info > Storage > Clear cache.
Tip: You can also allot time for workouts by enabling Routines on your Samsung Galaxy device.
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