"إذا أراد العامل أن يؤدي عمله بشكل جيد، فعليه أولاً أن يشحذ أدواته." - كونفوشيوس، "مختارات كونفوشيوس. لو لينجونج"
الصفحة الأمامية > لعبة > Destiny 2: أين تجد مراسًا وهميًا في سقوط كيل

Destiny 2: أين تجد مراسًا وهميًا في سقوط كيل

نشر في 2025-03-25

As with most Exotic missions in Destiny 2, Kell's Fall has a small array of secrets for Guardians to uncover through subsequent runs. After you get your hands on Slayer's Fang, you can start to uncover a set of illusory anchors in the mirror realm. Break these with Slayer's Fang, and you'll unlock new catalyst perks for this weapon.

Destiny 2: أين تجد مراسًا وهميًا في سقوط كيل

The good news is that finding these illusory anchors is fairly straightforward. This short guide will breakdown how illusory anchors work, how to break them, and showcase all 12 anchor locations, all of which are separated by catalyst type for easy navigation.

How To Spot Illusory Anchors

Destiny 2: Where To Find Illusory Anchors In Kell's Fall

Illusory Anchors will only spawn under two conditions:

  1. You've completed Kell's Fall at least once.
  2. You're on Expert difficulty.

After you complete your first run of Kell's Fall, speak with Eido in the Last City to acquire all catalyst quests for Slayer's Fang. All four quests will ask you to eliminate 20 enemies while a Tonic is active and to find three illusory anchors somewhere in Kell's Fall.

To break the anchors, you'll need to use Slayer's Fang. They look like closed, translucent Hive Shrieker shells. Each encounter has three anchors to break. Break a set of anchors, finish the mission on Expert difficulty, and you'll unlock that illusory anchor's specific catalyst.

Illusory Anchor Set #1: Mirror Plane

Destiny 2: Where To Find Illusory Anchors In Kell's Fall


Mirror Gallery

Before first encounter


Repulsor Brace

There are three anchors you'll find in the Mirror Gallery, the first time you enter the mirror realm in Kell's Fall:

  1. From the mirror, turn left in the hallway and run towards the dead end. It'll be floating next to the locked door.
  2. Turn around and follow the corridor until it ends. The anchor is floating next to a door.
  3. In the room with overgrown branches, face the door opposite of anchor #2. Get close to the door to see the anchor.

Break all three of these anchors and complete the mission on Expert difficulty to unlock the Repulsor Brace catalyst for Slayer's Fang.

Illusory Anchor Set #2: Fighting Pit

Destiny 2: Where To Find Illusory Anchors In Kell's Fall


Fighting Pit

First encounter


Loose Change

The next set of illusory anchors are found in the Mad Bomber encounter inside the Fighting Pit. When the encounter begins, enter the mirror and look for these anchors:

  1. Directly in the center of the room, floating above the middle plate.
  2. To the right of the room. Run up the stairs and look for an anchor floating next to a table.
  3. Next to a statue near the entrance of the room. It'll be floating on a nearby wall.

Break the anchors and finish the mission on Expert difficulty to unlock the Loose Change catalyst.

Illusory Anchor Set #3: Sanctum

Destiny 2: أين تجد مراسًا وهميًا في سقوط كيل



Second encounter


Stats for All

You'll find the third set of illusory anchors during the Mindbender encounter halfway through Kell's Fall. Once again, there are three anchors you'll need to break with Slayer's Fang:

  1. Directly behind the mirror portal when you enter the mirror realm.
  2. Walk into the Mindbender's boss arena, then turn right. The anchor will be next to a table.
  3. Slide under the hole that's at the opposite end of the room, then run towards the brazier spawn point near the corner of the corridor. It'll be floating in front of some crates.

Breaking all three anchors and completing the mission on Expert difficulty will award the Stats for All catalyst.

Illusory Anchor Set #4: Revenant Plane

Destiny 2: Where To Find Illusory Anchors In Kell's Fall


Revenant Plane

Final encounter


Cascade Point

The last three illusory anchors are found in the final encounter in Kell's Fall. You'll want to enter the mirror plane and head to these locations:

  1. Floating infront of Mara Sov's throne.
  2. Turn around and head to the corner on your left. The anchor is floating next to the statue's head.
  3. From the mirror exit, turn around and run up the stairs. The anchor will be floating to your right next to a statue.

With all three anchors broken, defeat Fikrul to get your hands on the Cascade Point catalyst for Slayer's Fang.

Destiny 2: Where To Find Illusory Anchors In Kell's Fall

بيان الافراج يتم استنساخ هذه المقالة على: https://www.thegamer.com/destiny-2-kells-fall-illusory-anchor-locations/if هناك أي انتهاك ، يرجى الاتصال بـ [email protected] لحذفه.
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